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why 'soccer' and not 'football'

welp, this has been a long discussion that have probably had a ton more reception by people with noticeably better knowledge of the language and the sports than i do, but i felt like it was time to try and explain my view

first off, i want to be clear i've always called fantasy football by the name of 'football', and as a good european (and much like an american), i was oblivious to the fact that there were people who needed a difference in calling both sports, these being american football and the formerly mentioned

but after hearing about the small discord that existed between the people who bothered to watch both sports enough to spend even a second of their time arguing, here's my take

'soccer' is the way to go to refer to fantasy football or european football; and that's simply due to the fact that it's got a uniqueness to the term, meaning it only holds one common definition that most people will understand right away

all the while, 'football' can lead to confussion if in a context adverse to that which you are used to; or simply put, european people are likely going to understand an entirely different thing than american people

and even though that gross estimation is based on a standard of dumbness that's prolly off the charts, it's still valid for the bum (possibly both european and american) that can't think of another sport than that which first comes to mind and which might as well not be the one that's being referred to

bottom line, 'soccer' doesn't lead anyone to confussion, which leaves 'football' as the only contender for what's now called american football outside its usual social context, essentially giving each sport a name for itself

quite surely, this means giving up on the name that was originally attributed to the european sport, but come on, it's just a name!